Thursday, April 2, 2009

PETA’s Pet Slaughterhouse

Original article

If animals are people and fish are kittens, then the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are genocidal tyrants. Once in PETA’s death clutch, few animals escape.

by Melissa Clouthier

March 29, 2009

In Virginia, PETA takes the notion of killing with kindness literally: only seven animals found a home out of the 2,216 it cared for in 2008. Seven animals managed a reprieve; the rest were loved to death. From the blog PETA Kills Animals:

PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2008, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 95 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just seven pets.

Just seven animals — out of the 2,216 it took in. PETA just broke its own record.

Why would an animal rights group secretly kill animals at its headquarters? PETA’s continued silence on the matter makes it hard to say for sure. But from a cost-saving standpoint, PETA’s hypocrisy isn’t difficult to understand: Killing adoptable cats and dogs — and storing the bodies in a walk-in freezer until they can be cremated — requires far less money and effort than caring for the pets until they are adopted.

PETA has a $32 million annual budget. But instead of investing in the lives of the thousands of flesh and blood creatures in its care, the group spends millions on media campaigns telling Americans that eating meat, drinking milk, fishing, hunting, wearing leather shoes, and benefiting from medical research performed on lab rats are all “unethical.”

The bottom line: PETA’s leaders care more about cutting into their advertising budget than finding homes for the nearly six pets they kill on average, every single day.

Let’s just look at some of the hypocritical advertising. Remember the sea kittens? At the splashy PETA site:

Given the drastic situation for this country’s sea kittens-who are often the victims of many major threats to their welfare and ways of life — it’s high time that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) stop allowing our little sea kitten friends to be tortured and killed. Who’d want to hurt a sea kitten anyway?!

Sea kittens are just as intelligent (not to mention adorable) as dogs and cats, and they feel pain just as all animals do.

Please take just a few moments to send an e-mail to H. Dale Hall, the director of the FWS, asking him to stop promoting the hunting of sea kittens (otherwise known as “fishing”). The promotion of sea kitten hunting is a glaring contradiction of FWS’ mission to “conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats.”

If sea kittens are just as intelligent, then why does PETA kill so many intelligent, pain-feeling animals in their care? Maybe they should be cleaning up their own kennel before worrying about how U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service manages sea kittens.

PETA has been known to go after fast food chains calling Burger King “Murder King” and using celebrities like (surprise!) Alec Baldwin. More recently, PETA had two scantily clad women making out on Valentine’s Day, proclaiming that “vegetarians make better lovers” and urging people to give up eating meat.

Perhaps the most outrageous advertising is described here:

Designed to promote PETA’s anti-meat campaign, the larger-than-life billboard shows the face of a haggard young woman on one side and a pig’s face on the other. Between the two is the blunt slogan: “Neither Of Us Is Meat.”

Interpreted as a reference to the case of Robert Pickton, the B.C. man charged in the deaths of 15 women on his farm, the campaign has sparked condemnation from victims’ families.

More recently, a similar ad was not run but the guts of the advertising give you an idea of the group’s twisted morality:

However, city editor Tara Seel said the newspaper had no intention of running the ad, which uses imagery of “an innocent victim’s throat” being cut, in reference to the slaughter of cows, chickens and pigs on factory farms.

“His struggles and cries are ignored … the man with the knife shows no emotion … the victim is slaughtered and his head cut off … his flesh is eaten,” reads the ad, which is posted on the website.

“If this ad leaves a bad taste in your mouth, please give a thought to what sensitive animals think and feel when they come to the end of their frightening journey and see, hear and smell the slaughterhouse.”

In response to the outrage after this ad, PETA said (via TMZ):

While it isn’t every day that a human is violently attacked and eaten by another human, it’s worth noting that it is the norm for many people not to give any thought to the fact that restaurants are serving flesh that comes from innocents who were minding their own business before someone came after them with a knife.

Over 20,000 dogs and cats, the “flesh of innocents,” were killed by PETA since 1998. Meanwhile, they spent millions chiding people for eating meat and chicken and fish. Just a tiny percentage of their massive budget could save thousands of “lives” and yet they hypocritically lecture others about their lifestyle.

PETA needs to clean their own slaughterhouse. They might have a little more credibility in caring for animals if they cared for, instead of killed, those they’re meant to save.

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