Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wafa Sultan: "The Subjugation of Women Reduces Them to a Level Lower Than Beasts"

Original article

Wafa Sultan, who famously dressed down an Islamic cleric about jihad and dhimmitude on Al-Jazeera a few years ago, now speaks out about the claim that Islam honors women and in general about the dehumanization of women in Islamic theology and culture:

"Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan: 'The Subjugation of Women Reduces Them to a Level Lower Than Beasts,'" from MEMRI, December 4, 2008 (just posted there February 3):

Following are excerpts from an interview with Arab-American psychiatrist Wafa Sultan, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on December 4, 2008.
To view this clip, visit


"Islam Has Distorted the Concept of Honor"

Wafa Sultan: "If Islam really treated women with honor, we would see the positive consequences of that honor over the course of the past 14 centuries. Islam did not treat women with honor. On the contrary, it has distorted the concept of honor.

"My brother Rashid, I can call this pen a knife for 14 centuries, but it will never become a knife. It will remain a pen. Islam has turned these concepts upside-down, and has forced its followers to see things as their opposites - to view killing and beheading as an act of tolerance, to view taking a woman captive as an act of compassion, to view the plundering of spoils of war as their right, and to view masturbation against a little girl's thighs as marriage.

"Thus, it has destroyed the intellectual structure of the Arabic-speaking nation, and has produced people who cannot distinguish between things and their opposites - people with distorted thinking and warped mentality, as infertile as barren land, which cannot yield a thing.

"The best proof of this is the reality of Islam. When the Prophet Muhammad married the child 'Aisha, this was not an act of honor toward her childhood. When Muhammad married Zaynab, the wife of his adopted son, after seeing her naked and desiring her, this was not an act of honor toward married women. When Muhammad married the Jewish woman Safiya, upon his return from a raid in which he killed her father, brother, and husband, this was not an act of honor toward her. The same goes for all his marriages."

"The Subjugation of Women Reduces Them to a Level Lower Than Beasts - Not to Mention the Laws of Inheritance, Testimony in Court, The Beating Of A Wife Who Refuses to Go to Bed With Her Husband, And 'Honor' Crimes"

"Accusing women of being 'lacking in brains' is not an act of honor toward her. Human beings - whether male or female - are the property of their Creator. No human being has the right to own another. The subjugation of women reduces them to a level lower than beasts - not to mention the laws of inheritance, testimony in court, the beating of a wife who refuses to go to bed with her husband, and 'honor' crimes.

"Muhammad said in a hadith: 'Three things spoil one's prayer: a woman, a black dog, and a donkey.' Do they ever give this any thought? Do they realize that Allah chose the female body for his greatest invention - creation itself? Wouldn't it be moral to bestow upon the female body a certain holiness, instead of viewing it as impure?" [...]

"In my opinion, in the Arab countries in particular, you cannot say that the status of women has nothing to do with Islam. You cannot deny that there is a connection between the two. Islam is an all-embracing faith, which intervenes in the smallest details of a person's life - beginning with the way he should enter the toilet, and ending with - excuse my language - the way he should wipe his behind.

"Since Islam is an Arab religion, it has succeeded in erasing the culture, customs, and traditions of the Arabic-speaking peoples, more than in Islamic nations that are not Arabic speaking. Therefore, in the Arab world in particular, the status of women is an inevitable outcome of the Islamic teachings." [...]

"I Firmly Believe That the Islamic Faith Was Created to Serve Muhammad, and to Legitimize His Desires and Urges"

"I firmly believe that the Islamic faith was created to serve Muhammad, and to legitimize his desires and urges. As evidence, we have 'Aisha's words: 'I see that your Lord hastens to satisfy your desires.' These words, which she said with innocence and spontaneity, embody the goal for which the Islamic faith was formed.

"Islam allowed men to marry infants in order to justify Muhammad's marriage to 'Aisha. Islam forbade adoption in order to justify Muhammad's marriage to the wife of his adopted son - a thing forbidden by the pre-Islamic moral values of the Arabs. Islam permitted taking women captive and violating their honor in order to justify Muhammad's marriage to Safiya, after killing her husband, her father, and her brother that same night. Can you imagine any woman on the face of this earth witnessing with her own eyes the killing of her husband, her father, and her brother, and accepting the religion of their killer on the spot, and sleeping with him?! Can the human mind possibly accept such a story?" [...]

Read it all.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this.

    Dr. Sultan's analysis of Islamic dualism is totally brilliant and devastating! Islam’s dualistic thought, where "A" can equal "non-A", is complete gibberish and con-artistry taken to the ultimate degree in the service of male chauvinism. We might call this non-sensical way of thinking "Islamspeak" following George Orwell's “Newspeak” in “1984”.

    In "Islamspeak", "honor" means "dishonor", “concubine” (women of the right hand) means "raping captive women", "wife" means "human farm-animal-slave". No one can read the Hadiths (which depict a callous desert godfather murdering his competitors and having them killed) and think of Mohammed as anything but a pirate who used religion to justify his political ambition to be king of Arabia and then of the world. Somehow Moslems quickly learn to immediately turn off the critical/analytical switch in their brain as soon as any topic involving Islam is mentioned. Their very minds are entirely “submitted” to non-sense...and “Islamspeak” is a form of language which paralyzes the ability to think analytically and where “no other thought is possible.”

    Dr. Sultan has called a spade a spade. There is no way in which beating, raping, enslaving women is “honoring” to them. Thus, “A” cannot equal “non-A”. Thus “Islamspeak” is contradictory non-sense.

    The most offensive thing about Mohammed to the modern mind is his pedophilia. Why do feminists not denounce this night and day? Is this retreat because of cowardice?

    Women professionals (like Wafa Sultan) with a keen understanding of Islamic dualism and the obvious hatred of women in Mohammed's rantings must take up the torch, expose Mohammed’s fraud and liberate the women of the Islamic world. Their voices alone can do it.

    The whole politico-cultural system of Islam is a pack of chauvinistic perversions and must be intellectually attacked and intellectually destroyed.

    Dr. Sultan has led the way. Where are the women will follow?

    Thanks for posting this.

    Dr. Sultan's analysis of Islamic dualism is totally brilliant and devastating! Islam’s dualistic thought, where "A" can equal "non-A", is complete gibberish and con-artistry taken to the ultimate degree in the service of male chauvinism. We might call this non-sensical way of thinking "Islamspeak" following George Orwell's “Newspeak” in “1984”.

    In "Islamspeak", "honor" means "dishonor", “concubine” (women of the right hand) means "raping captive women", "wife" means "human farm-animal-slave". No one can read the Hadiths (which depict a callous desert godfather murdering his competitors and having them killed) and think of Mohammed as anything but a pirate who used religion to justify his political ambition to be king of Arabia and then of the world. Somehow Moslems quickly learn to immediately turn off the critical/analytical switch in their brain as soon as any topic involving Islam is mentioned. Their very minds are entirely “submitted” to non-sense...and “Islamspeak” is a form of language which paralyzes the ability to think analytically and where “no other thought is possible.”

    Dr. Sultan has called a spade a spade. There is no way in which beating, raping, enslaving women is “honoring” to them. Thus, “A” cannot equal “non-A”. Thus “Islamspeak” is contradictory non-sense.

    The most offensive thing about Mohammed to the modern mind is his pedophilia. Why do feminists not denounce this night and day? Is this retreat because of cowardice?

    Women professionals (like Wafa Sultan) with a keen understanding of Islamic dualism and the obvious hatred of women in Mohammed's rantings must take up the torch, expose Mohammed’s fraud and liberate the women of the Islamic world. Their voices alone can do it.

    The whole politico-cultural system of Islam is a pack of chauvinistic perversions and must be intellectually attacked and intellectually destroyed.

    Dr. Sultan has led the way. Where are the women will follow?


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