Sunday, January 25, 2009

Iraqi Sufis donate to Hamas, boast of jihad activity in Iraq

Original Article
by Robert Spencer
Jihad Watch
January 25, 2009

Sufis applaud Hamas' jihad

Many times over the years, when I have pointed out that all the orthodox Islamic sects and schools of Islamic jurisprudence teach the necessity to wage war against and subjugate unbelievers, people have countered by invoking the Sufis, whom they believe to be entirely peaceful and devoted to a wholly spiritualized form of Islam.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, and has never been the case, as Andrew Bostom showed here: Sufis from al-Ghazali to the present day have taught the necessity of jihad warfare, and have participated in that warfare. Here is more evidence: Iraqi representatives of the Naqshabandi Sufi order meet with Khaled Mashaal of Hamas, praise his jihad, donate jewelry to him, and boast of their own jihad attacks against Americans in Iraq.

"Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al Meets with Iraqi Terrorists and Accepts Their Women’s Gold," from MEMRI, January 22 (thanks to Andrew Bostom):

The following report was aired on Al-Rai TV (Syria) on January 22, 2009. It shows a meeting between the head of Hamas’ Political Bureau Khaled Mash’al and a delegation of Iraqi terrorists from the Men of the Naqshabandi Order Army organization. The meeting was held in the presence of the owner of Al-Rai TV, Mish’an Al-Jabouri, a Saddam loyalist, who is wanted in Iraq and lives in exile in Syria. In the meeting, the Naqshabandi delegation gave Mash’al gold jewelry donated by the women of the organization. The donation event was aired on Al-Rai TV on January 4, 2009, and is also presented in this clip.

Presenter: This gold jewelry may have been the only possession of the noble Naqshabandi women, who wanted to participate in the nation's Jihad in Gaza. They sent their donations with a delegation of the Army of the Naqshabandi Order, which was a guest of the head of Hamas' Political Bureau. They conveyed their congratulations for the victory of the resistance, and stressed their shared path and fate.

Member of the Iraqi delegation, reading a message from the Naqshabandi women: "We took upon ourselves to sacrifice our necklaces, our bracelets, and our gold jewelry, for the sake of our people in Gaza, even though this jewelry is needed for the liberation of Iraq. We believe this is what our tolerant Islamic shari'a dictates, since the battle against injustice, tyranny, and occupation is a common battle."

Presenter: The representative of the Naqshabandi Army, which has carried out many attacks as part of the Iraqi resistance against the American occupation, conveyed his pride in Hamas' victory over the Zionist entity, and in the steadfastness of Hamas' fighters.

Member of the Iraqi delegation: We share this clear victory with you, the people of Palestine. We share your Jihad and this wonderful victory, which has raised the banner of Allah Akbar, and the full meaning of bravery and sacrifice in the Islamic and Arab nation....

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